Prayer: Our Primary Work

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, 

which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

Complete the form below to submit a prayer request.  Please note:  all prayer requests will be approved before appearing on this page.

Prayer is the primary work of God's people.

We believe that nothing of lasting value can be done unless it is bathed in prayer.  We also believe that we serve a God Who is able, and Who listens to our prayers.  Whether for yourself, or for someone else, we invite you to post your requests so that together we might lift them up to our Mighty God.

If you prayed for any request on this page, please click the "I Prayed For This" button.  An email will be sent to the person who posted the prayer to let them know that someone prayed for them! 


Keep Lisa Long/Schaefer in prayer. She is struggling with finances, disabled & her own family that lives with her don't help much in the finances. She needs help getting to doctors appointments. Keep me in prayer for health & relationship with Christ. Billy which he's doing better with his prostate. To be strong & courageous in witnessing with love.


Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night. I am not getting any interviews


Pray for Lisa Long/Schafer: Health, finances, & help with bills. Billy with his prostate & overall health. Bobby McGregor: salvation. Me with obeying his will, smoking, putting on the whole armor of God.


Please pray for my nephew (Caleb), my sister (Kirsten) and her family (Brent - dad, Logan - brother). A week or so ago we thought Caleb had a hernia and was scheduled for surgery. Dr found out it was abnormal lymph. There is more concern about cancer but we do not know yet. Thank you for your prayers.


Pray for Billy my brother for he has enlarged prostate. Has a catheter for now. Will be on medication & possible surgery. My walk with the Lord. Struggle with thoughts.